
Get more out of PSD to HTML 5

PSD to HTML conversion is very popular, indispensable and vital for a website. Without converting the PSD based design files into a markup language, a website can not be launched into a browser. Therefore, it is necessary to convert PSD to HTML. We consider manual conversion to be best way of conversion. so, we always used them. It takes some time to convert each and every page of a site into codes manually, but it guarantees an error free website. Manual conversion also offers other advantages like W3C validation, cross browser compatibility, pixel perfect site, semantic coding etc.we always ensures that our website looks as good as the original PSD design.

How we create PSD to HTML
  • We slice the PSD images, then combine the sliced layers in order to add some elements to them. All layers are grouped logically (column, header, content, footer, etc).
  • By creating responsive web design, we reduce the cost of website management and let the clients save considerable time. It becomes easy for them to manage & maintain a single website through a single administrative interface, which can be optimized easily.

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